CropManage API - Documentation
Users must authenticate before performing data requests. Once authenticated an access_token is used for data requests.
Before you may authenticate with the Web API you must register with
Once registered, you can use your username and password in the Web API authentication process.
Version 2.0 Released
Version 2.0 Web API is now available. Version 2.0 API methods will be prefixed with a "/v2/" in the url (for example, "v2/ranches.json"). Version 2.0 Web API methods either replace existing methods or offer additional API endpoints. We recommend using the version 2.0 whenever possible, since the older API methods will be phased out over time. Here are some of the changes we made in version 2.0:
- We made version 2.0 API calls as restful as possible.
- Some of the calls are now transitioning to JSON format only since XML format is becoming outdated.
- Version 2.0 uses Snake Cased parameters ("PlantingName", for example, instead of "planting_name"), which should be easier for caller code to consume.
- API URLs are prefixed with "/v2/"
Authentication consists of an HTTPS POST of the username and password.
HTTP Header Requirements:
POST Parameters:
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
This returns a JSON response with an access_token and other parameters.
".issued":"Wed, 04 Mar 2015 17:56:03 GMT",
".expires":"Wed, 18 Mar 2015 17:56:03 GMT"
The access_token is then used for get Data requests.
Data Requests
GET data using a valid path specifying the data output type. An access_token is required in the http header. For each request add “Authorization: Bearer [access_token]” to be authorized for requests. The example below will list all the ranches associated with the authenticated user in JSON format.
Authorization: Bearer [access_token]
Returns commodity type data
API | Description |
GET v2/commodity-types.json |
Returns a complete list of commodity types in CropManage. |
Returns commodity type data associated with a specific ranch.
API | Description |
POST v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/commodity-types.{ext} |
Saves a commodity type ranch association. This association determines what commodity types are available for a ranch. |
Web API to access crop stages
API | Description |
GET v2/crop-stages.json?commodityTypeId={commodityTypeId} |
Returns a list of crop stages associated with a commodity type |
Web API to access crop types
API | Description |
GET v2/crop-types.{ext}?includePrevious={includePrevious}&commodityTypeId={commodityTypeId} |
Returns a list of all crop types in the system. |
GET v2/crop-types/{cropTypeId}.{ext} |
Get crop type data, based on ID |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/commodity-types/{commodityTypeId}/crop-types.{ext}?shouldFilterUnassociated={shouldFilterUnassociated} |
Returns a list of crop types associated with a ranch.
Normally, a ranch is only associated with a handful of commodity types and a select number of crop types. |
API | Description |
POST v2/cut-events.{ext} |
Creates or updates a cut event |
DELETE v2/cut-events/{id}.{ext} |
Deletes a cut event |
GET v2/cut-events/{id}.{ext} |
Returns cut event data |
API | Description |
POST v2/et-weather-events.{ext} |
Saves an ET weather event. |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/et-weather-events.json |
Returns a list of ET data associated with a planting. |
API methods used for managing fertilization events
API | Description |
GET v2/fertilization-events/{id}.{ext} |
Returns a fertilization event |
PUT v2/fertilization-events/{id}.{ext} |
Updates a fertilization event |
DELETE v2/fertilization-events/{id}.{ext} |
Deletes a fertilization event |
GET v2/fertilization-events/{id}/recommendation.{ext}?soilSampleEventDate={soilSampleEventDate}&daysToNextFertilization={daysToNextFertilization}&fertilizationsPerMonth={fertilizationsPerMonth}&eventDate={eventDate}&nInWater={nInWater} |
Get CropManage recommendation for a fertilization event |
POST v2/fertilization-recommendation.{ext} |
Single Call API endpoint for fertilization recommendation |
POST v2/plantings/{plantingId}/fertilization-events.{ext} |
Creates a new fertilization event |
API for managing fertilization event wells, used to calculate N in water
API | Description |
GET v2/fertilization-events/{eventId}/wells.{ext} |
Returns a list of wells associated with a fertilization event |
GET v2/fertilization-event-wells/{Id}.{ext} |
Returns a well associated with a fertilization event |
Web API for managing fertilizers
API | Description |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/fertilizers.{ext} |
Returns a list of fertilizers associated with a ranch |
POST v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/fertilizers/{fertilizerId}.{ext} |
Add a fertilizer to a ranch. |
DELETE v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/fertilizers/{id}.{ext} |
Delete a fertilizer from a ranch |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/fertilizers/available.{ext} |
Returns a list of fertilizers that are not associated with the ranch but is available for use. |
API used to manage irrigation events
API | Description |
DELETE v2/irrigation-events/{id}.{ext} |
Deletes an irrigation event |
GET v2/irrigation-events/{id}.{ext} |
Returns an irrigation event |
GET v2/irrigation-events/{id}/recommendations-interval-summary.{ext} |
Returns CropManage irrigation interval recommendation for a specific irrigation event |
POST v2/irrigation-recommendation.{ext} |
Single call Web API endpoint for irrigation recommendations. This Web API call can be used to request irrigation recommendations from CropManage, without having to first set up ranches or plantings. |
POST v2/irrigation-recommendations.{ext} |
Single call Web API which returns multiple recommendations |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/irrigation-events/details.{ext} |
Returns detailed irrigation data for a planting, including reference ET, canopy cover, average canopy. |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/irrigation-events/recommendation-summary.{ext}?eventDate={eventDate}&irrigationMethodId={irrigationMethodId}&eventId={eventId}&customDeficit={customDeficit} |
Get an irrigation recommendation depending on various inputs, including event date and irrigation method. |
POST v2/season-et.{ext} |
Endpoint for the public ET calculator |
PUT v3/irrigation-events/{id}.{ext} |
Updates an irrigation event |
POST v3/plantings/{plantingId}/irrigation-events.{ext} |
Creates an irrigation event |
API | Description |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/wells.{ext} |
Returns a list of wells associated with a planting. |
API | Description |
GET v2/maturities.{ext} |
Returns a list of maturities, used primarily for Alfalfa |
API | Description |
GET v2/microsprinklers.{ext} |
Returns a list of micro sprinklers |
Web API for Plantings
API | Description |
GET v2/plantings/{id}.{ext} |
Returns planting details. |
DELETE v2/plantings/{plantingId}.{ext} |
Deletes a planting |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/events.{ext} |
Returns events from a specific planting |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/rainfall.{ext} |
Returns rainfall data |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/totals/applied-water.json?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} |
Given planting ID, start and end dates, return total applied water |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/plantings.{ext}?active={active}&commodityTypeId={commodityTypeId} |
Returns a list of plantings from a specific ranch. The list can be filtered to only return active plantings or plantings associated with a specific commodity type. |
PUT v3/plantings/{plantingId}.json |
Updates a planting |
POST v3/ranches/{ranchGuid}/plantings.json |
Creates a new planting. |
API for managing ranches
API | Description |
GET v2/ranches.{ext} |
Returns a list of ranches that the user has access to |
DELETE v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}.json |
Deletes a ranch |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}.json |
Returns basic ranch information. |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/permissions.{ext} |
Retrieves a user's ranch planting permissions. |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/users/{userId}/permissions.json |
Returns a user's ranch permissions |
POST v3/ranches.{ext} |
Creates a new ranch |
PUT v3/ranches/{ranchGuid}.json |
Updates ranch information |
API | Description |
DELETE v2/lots/{lotId}.json |
Deletes a planting area from ranch |
GET v2/lots/{lotId}.json |
Returns planting area details |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/lots.json |
Returns a list of planting areas associated with a ranch |
PUT v3/lots/{id}.json |
Updates a planting area |
POST v3/ranches/{ranchGuid}/lots.json |
Create a new planting area |
API | Description |
GET v2/ranches/{id}/ranch-wells.{ext} |
Returns a list of wells associated with a ranch |
POST v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/wells.json |
Adds a well to a ranch |
DELETE v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/wells/{wellId}.json |
Deletes a well from a ranch |
PUT v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/wells/{wellId}.json |
Updates a well |
GET v2/wells/{wellId}.json |
Returns well details |
API | Description |
GET v2/regions.{ext} |
Returns a list of regions in CropManage. Current regions are in California and Hawaii. |
API for managing soil sensor data
API | Description |
GET v2/plantings/{plantingId}/soil-moisture-data.{ext} |
Returns soil moisture data for a planting. The returned data is grouped by soil sensors. |
API for managing soil sample events
API | Description |
POST v2/plantings/{plantingId}/soil-sample-events.{ext} |
Creates a new soil sample event. |
DELETE v2/soil-sample-events/{id}.{ext} |
Delete a soil sample event |
PUT v2/soil-sample-events/{id}.{ext} |
Updates a soil sample event |
API | Description |
GET v2/lots/{ranchLotId}/soil-types.{ext} |
WARNING: This call is deprecated. CropManage no longer uses the SoilTypeJSON model. Return the soil type associated with a given lot |
GET v2/soil-types.{ext} |
Returns a list of all soil types in the database. This is a simple list of soil types. To retrieve soil types in more detail, call /soil-types/list.{ext} |
GET v2/soil-web.{ext}?lat={lat}&lng={lng} |
A simple call that retrieves soil web data, given coordinates. This call is intended to be used with single call web API which requires soil properties. Warning: This is restricted to registered 3rd party applications to prevent abuse. |
API | Description |
DELETE v2/tissue-sample-events/{id}.{ext} |
Delete tissue sample event |
GET v2/tissue-sample-events/{id}.{ext} |
Returns tissue sample event details |
POST v3/plantings/{plantingId}/tissue-sample-events.{ext} |
Create tissue sample event |
PUT v3/tissue-sample-events/{eventId}.{ext} |
Update tissue sample event |
API | Description |
GET v2/tissue-sample-locations.{ext} |
Returns a list of tissue sample locations. |
API | Description |
GET v2/tissue-sample-nutrients.{ext} |
Returns a list of tissue sample nutrients |
API | Description |
GET v2/user-detail.{ext} |
Get current logged in user's information |
API | Description |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/users.json |
Get users associated with a ranch. |
POST v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/users/{userId}.json |
Add a user to a ranch |
DELETE v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/users/{userIdTarget}.json |
Remove user from ranch |
Controller used to fetch a list of weather service API records
API | Description |
GET v2/weatherapis.{ext} |
This controller is used to access Weather services records, like CIMIS and HoboLink. |
API used to manage weather stations
API | Description |
POST v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/weather-stations.{ext} |
Add weather stations to a ranch. |
GET v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/weather-stations.{ext} |
Returns weather stations associated with a ranch |
DELETE v2/ranches/{ranchGuid}/weather-stations/{stationId}.{ext} |
Delete weather station from ranch |
GET v2/weather-stations.{ext}?activeOnly={activeOnly}&ranchGuid={ranchGuid}&suppressZeroET={suppressZeroET} |
Return all weather stations in the database |
GET v2/weather-stations/{id}.{ext}?ranchGuid={ranchGuid} |
Get details for a specific weather station |
GET v2/weather-stations/{stationId}/missingRecords.json |